Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Benefits to New Media

The Washington Post has announced that it is planning on selling Newsweek due to continuous declines in sales since 2007. This article cites falling newstand and circulation. However, we know that newstand and circulation is falling for all forms of print media. This brings up the "problem" of the new media, but spokesmen from the publication said in a Newsweek article that they want to grow and adapt to their market. The industry is evolving, and Newsweek, as well as other forms of honest journalism that are being replaced with blogs and such, can only survive if they adapt. According to the Newsweek article, the challenges presented by the decline in sales have forced them to improve their quality. So, while we can expect the quantity of "old-fashioned" honest journalism to decline with the growth of blogs and fast-info news sources, the ones that stick around will have to be even higher quality than before.

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