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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Political ramifications of tonight's health care reform passage

Ignoring the actual bill entirely, I am interested to see the political effects this reform will have in elections to come. I am eager to see if the public views the reform in a positive light given Obama is living up to his promises of "Change" or if the public disapproval of the bill will actually cause his rating to to fall.

On a more local level, the following links got me thinking about how this act is trouble for many representatives campaigns. (Huge win for Barack Obama, but split decision for House Democrats, Some Dems walk plank with 'yes' vote)

In my home state of Colorado, I can't see how Democrat representatives who are running for re-election in historically Republican districts stand much chance. Bye Bye Betsy Markey

1 comment:

  1. I think one of the more compelling aspects of the health care debate was the number of Democrats willing to "walk the plank" in order to see reform become law. It's a powerful answer to those who say that members of Congress are interested only in their reelection.
