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Monday, May 3, 2010

Obama at WHCD

While President Obama reminds us of his speaking skill during every speech and official speaking appearance, I had forgotten about his ability to remain well liked in almost any social situation. Whereas President Bush seemed decidedly uncomfortable at this White House Correspondents' Association dinner, Obama was in control throughout the entirety of his speech and, as reported by Politico, even topped Jay Leno's performance in terms of comedy. In his short speech preceding Jay Leno's spot, Obama demonstrated a welcome ability to laugh at himself, Biden, and the rest of his staff.

Some of the best lines included:

"I work a lot so I wasn't sure that I should actually come tonight. Biden talked me into it. He leaned over and he said, 'Mr. President, this is no ordinary dinner. This is a big "f**king meal!"

"Unfortunately John McCain couldn't make it. Recently he claimed that he had never identified himself as a maverick, and we all know what happens in Arizona when you don't have I.D."

By the end of the night, Obama had completely outdone Jay Leno (not that difficult an achievement), who had decided to play it safe with his routine. Although I can appreciate a President with a sense of humor, Politico aptly points out that Obama might not have attended the event and chosen to focus on the recent BP oil spill instead. Such action might have been more appropriate, but, for better or worse, Obama is a president who enjoys and excels in the limelight. I doubt he could have passed an opportunity like this up.

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