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Thursday, February 4, 2010

President Obama at the National Prayer Breakfast

A major theme of this course is the role of religion in American public life. An example comes in today's appearance by President Obama at the National Prayer Breakfast. Here is a short excerpt from his remarks:
Surely we can agree to find common ground when possible, parting ways when necessary. But in doing so, let us be guided by our faith, and by prayer. For while prayer can buck us up when we are down, keep us calm in a storm; while prayer can stiffen our spines to surmount an obstacle -- and I assure you I'm praying a lot these days -- (laughter) -- prayer can also do something else. It can touch our hearts with humility. It can fill us with a spirit of brotherhood. It can remind us that each of us are children of a awesome and loving God.

Click here for the full text.

The National Prayer Breakfast has been an annual event since 1953. Atheist groups have criticized the participation of presidents and lawmakers. This year, the sponsoring organization has come in for additional criticism.

The key point here is that American public figures routinely invoke God and take part in religious events. Such practices are less common in other industrial democracies.

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